Ktown-Frequently Asked Questions
We thought we could help make your morning run smoother by providing some answers to frequently asked questions.
Parking is located at 6420 Church Street, 8362 Main Street (Kinsman United Methodist Church) or the Old Badger High School parking lot on Main Street. All parking areas will be marked. The Library parking lot and Kinsman Presbyterian Church lot will be blocked off for the event.
You can pick up your race bags starting at 8:00 am inside the Kinsman Presbyterian Church.
Your race number, safety pins, and running chip will be in your bag.
All chips must be returned at the end of the race.
The race starts at 9:00 am in front of the Library
Maps of the race routes will be available.
Port-a-johns will be located on site.
Awards and door prizes will be immediately following the completion of the race.
Please pay attention to where your foot is landing.
Keep your head up and stay focused. You are running at your own risk.