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"Promoting healthy hearts, strong minds, and happy families in our local community"
The Patchwork Foundation Is a Non-Profit organization partnered with the Northern Trumbull County Community Foundation. We have a desire to instill the importance of a lifelong love of learning by encouraging each other to move to action, through volunteerism, physical activity, and education within our local environments. Through ecology, wellness, and literacy programs, we plan to help provide a space for all age individuals in our community to connect to each other with fitness, education, civil service, and nature activities. Our hope is to better improve the quality of our neighborhoods while connecting to community members of all ages through ideas, public enhancement, and physical fitness.
The Patchwork Foundation Is a Non-Profit organization which was founded in Kinsman in 2008 by a small group of women invested in the community in and around Kinsman, Ohio. They soon partnered with the Northern Trumbull County Community Foundation and began raising funds through the 1st K-town 5k in 2009 with a vision to create a reading garden. In 2015, after years of fundraising and hard work, the Reading Garden at the Kinsman Free Public Library was completed and dedicated. Recognizing a need to support the local students and families, The Patchwork Foundation began the Back to School Backpack Giveaway and free family meal in August 2015. Along with the support of local businesses such as Staples, Hair by Julia, Great Clips, Dr. John Rohrabaugh, DDS and the congregations of the Kinsman United Methodist Church and the Gustavus Federated Church, over 400 filled backpacks, haircuts, and meals have been given away. At the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year, the Patchwork Foundation partnered with Red Basket Farm in Kinsman to initiate the weekend food backpack program in the elementary school. Each year, community and school volunteers packed bags with fresh produce and healthy shelf-stable food items for 25 families to receive at the end of each week. In 2018, The Patchwork Foundation began the Senior Advocate Program and opened the Kinsman Resource Center providing local seniors with relevant programs and assistance free of charge. In addition to these programs, The Patchwork Foundation has also supported the Kinsman Township Park’s restroom facility, the Camp with a Cop program, the Presbyterian Church’s tutoring program, the Kinsman American Legion Harry Lees post #506 “Santa Comes to Kinsman” event, as well as other projects and groups which align with the foundation’s mission. Since 2008, the Patchwork Foundation has given away over 1100 filled backpacks, 1000 haircuts, over 1200 children’s books, over 3000 bags of food, over 3500 volunteer hours, and over $200,000 in charitable donations!
To help support these projects, The Patchwork Foundation graciously accepts donations and memorial contributions. If you would like more information on giving or volunteering, please visit www.thepatchworkfoundation.org or call #330-240-6660.